Monday, January 10, 2011

Leather Bracelet Engraving Disneyworld

Galgenhumor. HPD

You know you're a caffeinomane when you do not have time to wash the cup of coffee and other things.
Hello, stress.
Hello, mad and desperate study will not be enough.
di Non Sarai. Enough.
suffer a lot in this period, critters, because of the gradual loss of one of the most important things in my life, my intellectual capacity.
helplessly at my inability to concentrate as I should like, and in truth I do not know whether they are deployed or not, because a year abroad to study in another language is not a good touchstone. I know that now, thanks to that year, I note dates of birth and death of philosophers and critics that I have to bring into the examination and I wonder if I should study them - I wonder
"I really have to study them, since both are written everywhere? "
I never had to study half-time in Germany, though - to write a paper - I had to make a wide-ranging historical research, psychopaths with my patterns, to find in a vision from the elements that pop- uppassero amplitude of certain historical periods. But consider the date itself ... No, what not. I made comparisons to death, dates of important reforms in a country with another - but the birth date of Auerbach, lonely and sad ... No, do not I make them. I mean, who cares anything at this level of education, too particular and instructive to draw comparisons?
I would say
"Who cares anything at this level of study, bla bla bla ...?"
... Examination, or rather, I'm afraid I'll say. I would say there's too much stuff to study, in the sense that the anthology of the second module is littered with references for posterity - for "posterity," because this exam is the first year (and I have now because the first year I was in another faculty), and you can not ask a student to wikipedia forty terms such as "epistemology." Why I do it. But to me it's better, because twenty-five know them already. There are worlds behind "epistemology." There are entire courses to make the combo "epistemology" + "hermeneutics" + "structuralism." And the problem is secondary, if the anthology had been drawn from the large Italian repertory of such texts (Well-complacent, self - for posterity, in short, as I do on this blog), but it is not, because it was written specifically for this course. I already vomited
dissatisfaction about this course, how to explain the Italian tendency to consider in detail the life of the author (date of birth and death are a must ) and then not have time to read the works - read on works by critical comments from the first to know to approach the tome. The anthology explains, among other things, this Italian trend and then puts 20 pages of explanation and comment of the first 20 of the text to read. It is a jack ass, you know? That is, I hope it is. A well-designed grip for a ride to raise criticisms. My

breaks, apart from the fine for you, are summarized in showers in the name of "Enjoy the moment!" and fall in a not too old vice, but that has planted firm roots in narrative (auto) biography of the two world wars by the Germans. I have observed this trend
my last night, closing All Quiet on the Western Front store and ask where - I have embraced my library well organized, with the look and decided that not only the texts on a topic " Deutsch," but specifically the narrative the German Wars, it needed a shelf to himself, and now it has none. I do not know
because that argument, and in that form (or pseudo-autobiographical as it is), I relax. Because the law for this: it relaxes me. It puts me in my comfortable home, I think, as a fan of [generally applicable] put at ease a book that already knows how to begin, how it will develop, how it will end. Why are all the same, these texts. The greater or lesser appreciation comes from the kind of irony used - and the irony that distinguishes them, Galgenhumor ( gallows humor), I love it.
I can not read other things, stressed these days, because these texts have one magic property: do not raise my critical spirit. I have to usarne enough to study, do not want him in the balls while trying to fall asleep.
of fiction should be well on prisons, mind you, not too Machiavellian or colleges, or other microcosms in which the human being is presented with a uniform stripped him. Nudity should relax and talk about the nudity that stresses a uniform. After essays that are triumphs of intellectual speculation daughter of boredom, these narratives show raw serenity to my mind.

I had a peak of intolerance when, in reading an essay written by the same guy who edited the anthology, I read explained indignation in front of the 'unhappy word glocal (global + local ), Which unfortunately Italians use many critics, and that is unfortunate for reasons not spelled out, perhaps just because the English are on the cock to a critic that I put words in Greek characters in an essay specifically designed for students of first year.
(The anthology, for reasons not suspect - too explicit for dignity and maintain it - emphasizes the Jewish origin of the authors in the first three rows, but forget that Jauss was in the SS Division Charlemagne. Hypocrites. )


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