Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pellet Gun Brake Fluid

Centro Storiko. District Castro Pretorio (XVIII)


In 1923 AD in this place were erected barracks Praetorian Guard, so that area got its name and that was reflected in his arms ...

In the background Termini station (included in the district Esquilino (XV) , in front of him Piazza dei Cinquecento (it is already Castro Pretoria), and further, the main attraction of the area - Baths of Diocletian ...

Baths of Diocletian, one of the largest structures ancient Rome, perhaps conceding that the "Golden House" of Nero. Launched in 298, the Maximilian and finished in 306 by Diocletian, these terms are very large bath-and-leisure Works in Rome, with seating capacity of about 3000 (for comparison, in the baths of Caracalla - 1600). Sohranishiesya to the present day remains of buildings, it is only Part ...

full picture can only be obtained on mock-ups, which shows that they occupied a vast territory between the present streets, via Volturno, via XX Settembre, via Torino and piazza Cinquecento.
In place of the present piazza della Repubblica a semi-circular stadium term ...

Scheme Works ...

surviving buildings ...

Inner Covered gallery converted to a draft of Michelangelo, there is now a branch of the National Museum ...

The museum has preserved frescoes and mozakiki term ...

Nearby itself the National Museum in Palazzo Massimo ...

This is one of the world's finest collections of ancient art ...

One of the main exhibits - the frescoes and mosaics brought from the Villa Livia in Prima Porta ...

Stadium at Baths of Diocletian tranformirovalsya later in the area Ezedry, and after reconstruction of the late XIX century, after the unification of Italy, has become an area of ...

In the middle area of the Naiad Fountain Marco Rutelli open in 1901 ...

After sunset, Piazza Repubblica becomes a platform for the exercise of multiple photographers and bloggers in the "night filming" ...

official name of this fountain - Fontana dell 'Asqua Felice and signifies the end of the aqueduct Aqua Felice, built in 1587 ...

However, more stuck the name of the Fountain of Moses (fontana del Mose) because of the Kingpin fountain, with a somewhat distorted proportions ...

Area belongs to the beginning of the piazza Repubblica, half of Via Nazionale, one of the main trade arteries of the city ...

Half adjacent to the Piazza Venezia, owned by району Монти(I) ...


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