emancipation. Focus &
collect constitutions ready to be printed and colored notes and question marks.
I miss, the study of sources. I remember the stressful months spent flipping through the endless pages of Sartorius II (collection of international treaties) trying to figure out that German technical assistance to reach the heart of an item, then that is far from unique, and from whose constraints depend on interpretation and words come an impact on other treaties. I love everything. I loved the German method, classes of questions and answers through the pages of that thin Volume modular and upgradeable. I'll take the examination of "comparative constitutional law" (the method, not the Sartorius II), with approval already given by the teacher (who would not expect so much by students).
I love the entitlement in everyday life, who returns to break my balls in that its ambiguous and complicated and ugly way that combines the solemnity of the law than the moral emotionalism that will not be caged by words unintelligible. It is not the law itself, of course, to create such a muddle, but the relationships between people that creates the law - I hate all this, and I hate it because the law disguises herself as a mediator clear and rational, which is like a corrupted prelate covering with purple testicles shriveled abuse. (I'm not part of the slice of the population that feeds acrimony for the Church, but it's stronger than me: the inherent contradiction between "spiritual" and "time" of the Catholic Church creates inexhaustible sources of cool pictures). I appeal to
Sedlacek, and I will do: help me find a solution hidden in a crevice between two laws.
In the days of mad and desperate study ways to relax Solgar be, inevitably, related to physics.
I'm going to be the streets to the finger tips of fingers and thumbs working furiously to the wire.
I love the wire, flexible but capable of forming objects balances.
I started with jewelry from the flea market, but it was so obviously unnecessary (not wearing) unnecessary for me to opt for its own sake, so I (re) started to shape small idols, dall'accennata miniature mannequins in human form, which is mentioned to be twisted, stretched or bent. There is a Baron Samedi in the library, now, alongside another pair of anthropomorphic figures indistinct. I have accompanied the implementation of some cross - I love the crosses, you know that I collect rosaries? I know who, coming into my room, he sees one of the few decorative items on display: a form of wood, covered with beads wrapped around the horns.
However, after jewelry, mannequins and crosses, are passed to the pseudo-utility: port-lights. My room is continually perfumed candles, naive way to deal with the consequences of being a fierce smoker. Not that the utility give
these objects to save them: they will disappear soon, as soon as I stopped to bend wire to relax, to end up in a closet or, more likely given away to someone. I even thought of downloading the VB's mother, who really gives to the markets, reflecting on the contemporary paradox that an imperfect form acquires value as the imperfection guarantee authenticity ( handmade ). I could make notes of the presentation that explains how these useless objects are created by a poor girl who is dying of leukemia, and the value would rise even more - Nietzsche would have much to say about the rise of the value on the basis of shortcomings, manual and physical .
The other, consolidated way to distract is to look after my physical form. VB, in that sense, my sharing in the social universe of women's practice of relaxation second canon, to be exact, taking home - during the German residence - tons of beauty products unnecessary Rossmann. I'm really into, and now Solga to point out how this fragrant cream de The Erbolario give me a lot and makes my skin glow. I'm really into, maintained the optics. It seems that the process of socialization practices becere universe of more women from cliché was not then a thing so impossible, it was only a matter - precisely - a cliché, and what I have to see sexual services as payment to a man of gifts was abused. Duty to a sexual woman, however, is an erotic dream (a little) secret. I told you that I and Testori have much in common: a tenacious and dall'incoerenza removed with little effort, the conception of dignity, and a tendency to mean ("give a meaning to") the prostitute with women (he also with men, but because it was a fucking homosexual love degrading the aesthetics of the body sold).
Indeed, I will be progressive and will be launching an appeal to women: Free yourselves, and let me gifts in exchange for sexual favors! One day will go out of style. Moreover, some immediate advantage, they are very more of your good friends - I know how a female body etc etc, are sensitive and understand you
etc etc ... Returning to breaks, and oil in my head waiting for a shower, I foretaste of the return to life, ie get out of these four walls. On the day of (the one for which I was not prepared), I dressed quickly, and looking in the mirror, I realized that in the weeks before I had acquired a surplus the attractiveness. I gazed surprised and satisfied with cooing and I started with myself, try out a variety of clothes bought in December and January and that I have not had occasion to wear. It is symptomatic that I regularly use many energies on my aesthetic form on the day before an exam (or do that or I get lost in the maze of the Internet by following links more vulgar), and be part of optics which forbids me to develop anxiety.
If I continue along this path socializing, one day, perhaps, be able to truly understand the album. "Female world of clichés." The question is, will then become heterosexual?
(correct answer: "No, you do not become something that does not exist." Not even bisexuals exist, as a result - the fact that I only have to define this functional purpose. To say "I'm bisexual" means "Nice to meet you, but it would be a pleasure to know your sister - if you resemble, or acts as a form of courtesy: "Know that I could try ruthlessly with you.")
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