kinds of aborted and other compass without a needle.
Idols steampunk accumulate on the heater, watching the world with their indifferent eyes bolted.
thumb and index, meanwhile, take on the painful roughness that would love to Genet. (When will Genet entered my consciousness? He must have snuck chasing Tanz general.) At least me. My sensitivity to fingertip away, and that in certain situations is crucial. About
Genet, I asked to take a look in the VB libraries to spend looking for Querelle . I could also find the plot of that and copy / paste here, but let's take the piss: genetically speaking always of the same thing (that is, to be precise, the cock). However
Abuse wiki for me to say that the protagonist, in addition to being a sailor, Also is a thief, a prostitute, an opium smuggler, and a serial killer - that is the epitome of what we always talk Genet.
I regret not having here Diary of a thief, because I had underlined a passage in which Genet emphasized the aesthetic power of Nazism (abroad), namely that which arises from both the Supreme and the Supreme Criminal Police. He also spoke of how the Crown and Prisons are the two vertices of a single structure, like a castle and its reflection in a lake - but stress is a practical book fetishist, and the God who punishes my Ride vanitas making me pay these highlighted books when I need it.
Ride The God who also awaits the moment when I finished reading Querelle and with this I have given background to the novels written by Genet. It is the downside of the mortality of the writers: you have nothing to hope for. I might even accept the contemplation of the infinite - that is to accept the hypothesis of infinite re-read his works - but what I fear - the fear as I realize that I have read everything in translation, in the absence (but it will be obvious, this otherwise) of a command of French (very firm grasp - but it always is: my favorite foreign authors tend to be unreadable to me in original).
Tim Willocks ( The ultimate purpose of creation) is not bad. The translation is at times confusing, and I should have it in the original hands, but there are limits even to the most creative translation. At the end we will read several passages that I have pointed out, but I just have the general ongoing Bentham as a reference, explicit and implicit. I asked
What Should I Read Next? what I should read next, but it was not much help. You see, my readers divided between those with no particular taste, and those in watertight compartments, the truth is not that I do not is a lecturer in general, it would be, if there was gender architecture benthamiana. But it does not exist. I'd use it for the express purpose for which use is made of a kind: play it safe and read literature that surprises you. But it does not exist. The truth, oh my readers divided between readers and readers of the Sunday superfine tastes, is that there is no person who is saved from having obsessive taste: If anything, there are obsessive whose tastes do not conform to a generally recognized. Manganelli Remember? I mentioned it to you as an example of high literature, very high, dizziness, incomprehensible to let you go on a rampage as a first impression written specifically to say "oh common people, you can not read" - well, Manganelli handed it to me a guy whose taste tended to the times obsessive to the snuff movies - a genre that is yes, but illegal, and non-institutionalized. So, if I ask What Should I Read Next? what I should read next the site responds by focusing on themes I recognized. Which is what my limited brain can do, does, and it is stressed that what always speaks Genet is a sailor's cock sucked by a convict, or I would be enough to give me gay literature, and it is not life a thief, because if so I could give me the biographies of famous thieves is something that is halfway between the exiles of Genet, the inmates Machiavellian Musil, the losers of Testori, repeat offenders of Bunker and ruthless delirious Littell, but only if illuminated by a prophet Rimbaud - and here is the cataloging system of my brain goes haywire and finds himself in the middle of nowhere.
There are sinister ways to find a solution, mathematical methods in 75% of the cases do not work. For example, if the join
tag "war" to tag "tedescaggine" tag to "homosexuality" comes out The death of the beauty of Griffi - but already the title combines the sublime elegance, and certain combinations just convince me. If you join the
tag "Foucault" in a delirium Rimbaudian out Hallucinating Foucault , and probably will get better.
Tropic of Cancer , however, has its simply a captivating prose and the fact that too often has been approached by third parties (ie, in addition to myself) to the undersigned.
also became a tag - but the God who Ride reminds me that certain words become tags only after were meant to be (for the verb "mean" is seen The Unbearable Lightness of power ) by me, and then the tags are basically a fetish - oh, et omnia vanitas vanitas vanitatum - How many readers have come to realize that the graphics on this blog are the words from Ecclesiastes in German? How crypto-Masonic.
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