Названый в честь старинного монастыря Сан Саба...
... area, as well as Celio (XIX) , formed in 1921 by separation from the neighboring district. In this case, the main affected area was made Ripa (XII) ...
first service at the future site of the monastery took place even in the VI. In the house of St. Sylvia, the mother sv.Grigoriya Great. In the VII century, a settled Monks sabaisty expelled from Palestine by the Muslims. From them and went the current name of the monastery. In the X century monastery passed to the Benedictines, who became his extensively rebuilt and izukrashivat. In the XIII century, the monastery acquired form preserved to this day. In XV century the monastery was transferred Cistercians and later, moved to its current owners - the Jesuits ...
Rear View ...
Patio ...
XVI century frescoes in the altar ...
murals since the XIII century Benedictine ...
San Saba titular landmark district purely nominal, as the main hit, of course-terms Karakally.Stroitelstvo term was completed by the Emperor Caracalla in the beginning of III century BC and they acted around 300 years until the invading Goths in Rome have not destroyed the aqueducts ...
Use term services to nearly 1600 people at the same time ....
Somewhere here: kalidary - Steam, tepidarium - a room with warm water, frigidarium - living room with cold water ...
In perecheslinnyh bath units in the baths were gymnasiums, libraries, galleries of works Art and Gardens ...
... and of course, sports facilities. Remains of ancient tiles from natatsio - a large swimming pool in the open air ...
summer concert venue here is arranged in the open, for professional shows a variety of genre lines ...
Near the Baths of the church of Santa Nera e Akilleo. Built in IV century on the site where St. Peter left the bandages from his wounds, leaving the city. Somewhat later, the church dedicated to the martyrs - the Roman soldiers who converted to Christianity and refused to continue the service. With easy predictable outcome ...
Despite the fact that in the XVI century church was rebuilt ...
... there are numerous works of the early Middle Ages, in particular the mosaic and the pedestal before the altar of porphyry, taken around the corner, in the baths of Caracalla ...
walls of the side aisles are covered by a series of frescos of the XVI century Niccolo Pomaranch depicting in great detail the scene of the apostles and torture of Christian martyrs ...
Despite this malomazhorny entourage, there is very prestigious brachevatsya. Santee Nera e Akilleo in hot wedding dozen Rome. Recording for several months. Expensive ...
front of the church stands a granite pillar, of unknown origin and uncertain destination. Presumably - unused Construction of spare recruited during the construction of churches in the baths of Caracalla ...
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