This is the most ambitious district Centro Storiko on the territory of historical and cultural fullness pamyatnikonasyschennosti and artefaktoemkosti. The real "Numero Primo ...
He owns all of the imperial forums across from Foro Romano side of the street via dei Fori Imperiali. Forum of Trajan ... |
with the same column ... |
Forum August ... |
Forum Nerves ... |
Immediately after the forums in the old quarter - and the tower of the Palazzo Grillo.Vladelets whom the Marquis del Grillo, characterized by fierce anti-Semite and shot stones of windows of passing by the Jews, who wore in those days by the decree of Pope yellow hats ... In forums, Monty is another ancient building an impressive grandiosity. It's Domus Aurea, the so-called "Golden House of Nero, whom the great and terrible, the emperor began to build after the infamous burning of Rome in 1964 AD Another question was whether the purpose of burning a purely visual spectacle of sadistic pleasure, according to historians. Very much like to clear space for construction Church pereosvyaschali again, then several times rebuilt, but the remnants of the original version are preserved - columns, mosaic floors and marble altar in the courtyard. Unfortunately, the church is open extremely rare ... Church of San Lorenzo in Panisperna. Here the St. Lawrence roasted alive on the grid ... Church is closed rather dull, perhaps the identity of St. Lawrence not so popular, despite the fact that on the day St. Lawrence nuns from a nearby monastery were distributed to the poor bread with ham - pane e perna. After that, and became known as quarter, and its main street - via Panisperna ... directly in the church courtyard houses are ... Very old ... their inhabitants, almost in the very center of the city is actively developing its agricultural business - grow citrus ... |
View from side piazza Esquilino. In the foreground is one of the expropriated by the Romans in ancient Egyptian obelisks ... |
main artifact of the first level - A gold casket with the remains of newborn nursery infant Jesus found in Bethlehem, magi ... Pope Pius IX, who prays the manger ... |
church is very popular among the Romans, not only because of her crib, and so on, but basically that is the main icon of the Romans - Maria Salus Populi Romani ... |
And in one of the chapels is very interesting sign ... |
very popular among the very elite class of building guest workers - Freemasons ... |
far from Santa Maria Maggiore, on Via Urbana is the church of Santa Pudenziana ... entrance to the building at a level below srednerimskogo .... The church was built on the site of the house of Senator Pudenta who gave shelter to St. Peter ... Remains of ancient dwellings at the floor level of the church ... This house of St. Peter baptized and communion of Christians ... by volitional decision of the chair and table (and chair of the throne) for which he did, were transferred to Papal Cathedral of San Giovanni in Laterano and San Pietro, here was a small part an artifact of the altar ... The church is named in honor Pudentsii, Pudenta daughter, who helped persecuted Christians in every way and the keeper of the remains of innocent victims ... Well that contained the remains of ... |
On the other side of Santa Maria Maggiore, the church named in honor of second daughter Pudenta Prassedy (Praksidy) - Basilica of Santa Prassede ... |
The church is located Pillar of Flagellation was brought from Jerusalem, to the left of the altar in a separate niche ... |
Prasseda-Praksida, as well as its sister was fond of collecting the remains of Christian martyrs, and later her collection joins dad Paskhalov, perevezshy here a huge amount bones from the catacombs ... |
Here, in an underground crypt among the rank and file remains and tombs of the two sisters ... |
In connection with this subjects too, was not without the infernal elements in the decor .... |
There are two chains which was bound St. Peter in Mammertinskoy prison. Both chains have been sent to Constantinople and then at various times had returned to Rome and mysteriously reunited ... |
Another attraction of the church - a statue of Moses by Michelangelo, established at the tomb of Pope Julius II. Outgrowths of their head horns and symbolic rays of light. The official version :-)... |
southern suburb area called the Laterano. Here is San Giovanni in Laterano - first papal residence and sobor.San Pietro and the Vatican were already then ... Council periodically being completed in width and up on the site of an ancient temple. From left to see the elements of the original built-up ... The altar of the cathedral pulpit, throne and prayer plaque St Peter, Saint Paul, and his power ... First Pope ... Kluatr. Columns of gilded bronze taken from the temple of Jupiter on the Capitol ... bronze gates taken from the Curia at the Forum ... as metals could not verify the antiquity of the alloy. Analysis of positive :-). Statue on the left in the background, too, confiscated from a term of Constantine ... foot of the Holy Infant of happiness. The right of the main entrance ... Draw foot should not touch the sacred steps, therefore they are covered with wooden nastilom.Veruschie may rise by him only on his knees. "Let's go!" (C) Yuri Gagarin ... top of the stairs. A little more, just a little more .... "Yes!!! We did it! "(C) stupid golivudsky gunman :-)... Current input with the Via San Giovanni in Laterano pretty nevzrachen ... Within a fairly typical design ... But malotipichnaya bed VIP guests of honor ... theological realism, in the spirit of Quentin Tarantino. Pronounced holes on the body of the Savior and the abundance of gore ... to visit level the first Christian churches and Mitra have to descend into the dungeon ... In the basement of the church - crypt of St. Vitus' ... Under the church hit the source with miraculous water, descended in the fountain, to the left of the entrance. Local resident performs fairly dense svyatovodozabor ... Finally, a couple of interesting places of the district. After installing the hot tub with a touchscreen, an old tub kind of like and do not need it, but throw a pity ... Piazza San Martino ai Monti. Homonymous church, a of the oldest in Rome, being completed by the principle "from each era of architectural details" ... On this same square opposite each other two towers - Torre dei Graziani (distant) and the Torre dei Capocci (melee). Sworn friends, Veronese-type Montek Capulet in the Middle Ages were of them heavy fire at each other to defeat ... Interestingly, the tower Kapochchi still has Official own mail (and possibly legal) address ... |
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