Centro Storiko. Area Prati (XXII)
; ;
Prati - Centro Storiko only region where, until the end of XIX century, almost nothing.
"The grass on the belt" as a gathering s "dalʹnej Stanciu" byla, zalivnye liquor byli, CTO sobstvenno and gave a rayon (monitor - lye) ...
first construction work on the improvement of the area began in the 70-ies of the XIX century, immediately after the proclamation of Rome, the capital of Italy and 1921 Prati was annexed to Rome, as the last 22-th district Centro Storiko.
Roughly Prati, is all that is north of the Via Crescenzi ...
Area originally was built primarily for Lucrative houses. Solid, good houses, in which selilas professors and advocacy, Engineering and intellectuals, bureaucrats and clerks, merchants and entrepreneurs of small and medium arms, in general all those that are referred to as a capacious term 'average class. " To learn more about them can be found in movies Ettore Scola "La Famiglia (Family)" and "Concorrenza sleale (Unfair Competition )"...
Or here is "Modest charm buzhuazii. Indiscreet - in other parts of the city :-)
Via Cola di Rienzo - trade artery Prati, a kind of analogue of the Via Nazionale for the western banks of the Tiber. Practically the same thing but without the tourist bustle. Loudest, smaller brands, a modest local craftsmen and Footwear - побольше...
Из архитектурных сооружений эпохи начала застройки района Прати представляют интерес:
Palazzo di Giustizia (Дворец Правосудия) near Castel Sant'Angelo ...
... adjacent to it through the house, Gothic church of Sacro Cuore del Suffragio ...
... church in the Piazza Cavour Valdez (behind Palace of Justice) ...
... and Caryatids Fountain (Fontana delle Cariatidi) on the Piazza dei Kuiriti, the geometric center of the district ...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Weave With Side Bangs For Black People
Centro Storiko. District San Saba (XXI)
Названый в честь старинного монастыря Сан Саба...
... area, as well as Celio (XIX) , formed in 1921 by separation from the neighboring district. In this case, the main affected area was made Ripa (XII) ...
first service at the future site of the monastery took place even in the VI. In the house of St. Sylvia, the mother sv.Grigoriya Great. In the VII century, a settled Monks sabaisty expelled from Palestine by the Muslims. From them and went the current name of the monastery. In the X century monastery passed to the Benedictines, who became his extensively rebuilt and izukrashivat. In the XIII century, the monastery acquired form preserved to this day. In XV century the monastery was transferred Cistercians and later, moved to its current owners - the Jesuits ...
Rear View ...
Patio ...
XVI century frescoes in the altar ...
murals since the XIII century Benedictine ...
San Saba titular landmark district purely nominal, as the main hit, of course-terms Karakally.Stroitelstvo term was completed by the Emperor Caracalla in the beginning of III century BC and they acted around 300 years until the invading Goths in Rome have not destroyed the aqueducts ...
Use term services to nearly 1600 people at the same time ....
Somewhere here: kalidary - Steam, tepidarium - a room with warm water, frigidarium - living room with cold water ...
In perecheslinnyh bath units in the baths were gymnasiums, libraries, galleries of works Art and Gardens ...
... and of course, sports facilities. Remains of ancient tiles from natatsio - a large swimming pool in the open air ...
summer concert venue here is arranged in the open, for professional shows a variety of genre lines ...
Near the Baths of the church of Santa Nera e Akilleo. Built in IV century on the site where St. Peter left the bandages from his wounds, leaving the city. Somewhat later, the church dedicated to the martyrs - the Roman soldiers who converted to Christianity and refused to continue the service. With easy predictable outcome ...
Despite the fact that in the XVI century church was rebuilt ...
... there are numerous works of the early Middle Ages, in particular the mosaic and the pedestal before the altar of porphyry, taken around the corner, in the baths of Caracalla ...
walls of the side aisles are covered by a series of frescos of the XVI century Niccolo Pomaranch depicting in great detail the scene of the apostles and torture of Christian martyrs ...
Despite this malomazhorny entourage, there is very prestigious brachevatsya. Santee Nera e Akilleo in hot wedding dozen Rome. Recording for several months. Expensive ...
front of the church stands a granite pillar, of unknown origin and uncertain destination. Presumably - unused Construction of spare recruited during the construction of churches in the baths of Caracalla ...
Названый в честь старинного монастыря Сан Саба...
... area, as well as Celio (XIX) , formed in 1921 by separation from the neighboring district. In this case, the main affected area was made Ripa (XII) ...
first service at the future site of the monastery took place even in the VI. In the house of St. Sylvia, the mother sv.Grigoriya Great. In the VII century, a settled Monks sabaisty expelled from Palestine by the Muslims. From them and went the current name of the monastery. In the X century monastery passed to the Benedictines, who became his extensively rebuilt and izukrashivat. In the XIII century, the monastery acquired form preserved to this day. In XV century the monastery was transferred Cistercians and later, moved to its current owners - the Jesuits ...
Rear View ...
Patio ...
XVI century frescoes in the altar ...
murals since the XIII century Benedictine ...
San Saba titular landmark district purely nominal, as the main hit, of course-terms Karakally.Stroitelstvo term was completed by the Emperor Caracalla in the beginning of III century BC and they acted around 300 years until the invading Goths in Rome have not destroyed the aqueducts ...
Use term services to nearly 1600 people at the same time ....
Somewhere here: kalidary - Steam, tepidarium - a room with warm water, frigidarium - living room with cold water ...
In perecheslinnyh bath units in the baths were gymnasiums, libraries, galleries of works Art and Gardens ...
... and of course, sports facilities. Remains of ancient tiles from natatsio - a large swimming pool in the open air ...
summer concert venue here is arranged in the open, for professional shows a variety of genre lines ...
Near the Baths of the church of Santa Nera e Akilleo. Built in IV century on the site where St. Peter left the bandages from his wounds, leaving the city. Somewhat later, the church dedicated to the martyrs - the Roman soldiers who converted to Christianity and refused to continue the service. With easy predictable outcome ...
Despite the fact that in the XVI century church was rebuilt ...
... there are numerous works of the early Middle Ages, in particular the mosaic and the pedestal before the altar of porphyry, taken around the corner, in the baths of Caracalla ...
walls of the side aisles are covered by a series of frescos of the XVI century Niccolo Pomaranch depicting in great detail the scene of the apostles and torture of Christian martyrs ...
Despite this malomazhorny entourage, there is very prestigious brachevatsya. Santee Nera e Akilleo in hot wedding dozen Rome. Recording for several months. Expensive ...
front of the church stands a granite pillar, of unknown origin and uncertain destination. Presumably - unused Construction of spare recruited during the construction of churches in the baths of Caracalla ...
What To Write In A Card For A Colleague's Wedding
Centro Storiko. District Celio (XIX)
District is named after the eponymous hill of the "magnificent seven of Rome" - Celia, on which is his main part. Although the district and the oldest - the same age as the main areas of ancient Rome from the time of formation, was legally issued only in 1921, formed from components separated from the adjacent area. The most "fat piece was pressed in the district Campitelli (X) ...
Greatest amphitheater in Rome was built by Emperor Vespasian in 72 AD on the shores of the lake, located in the "Golden House of Nero. On the terraces Estadio place from 55 to 70 thousand (according to various sources) viewers ...
View from the output of the same name by the subway station, where the outer wall of the arena most Save ...
sophisticated device at the scene included the cells, and passageways for wild beasts, and a system of locks to start up and drain the water at the staging sea battles ...
Arch of Constantine - the biggest triumphal arch of ancient Rome. Erected to commemorate the victory of Constantine over his co-ruler Maxentius in 315, the majority of the bas-reliefs, statues and medallions borrowed from other monuments, in particular with the Forum of Trajan, with the permission of the first Christian emperor. In pre-Christian era of ancient Rome, such shares were zapadlo ...
Scenes of a victorious war of Trajan against the Dacians ...
If walk from the Colosseum by the Arch of Constantine on Via di San Gregorio, the path will lead to the church of San Gregorio Mano. The church was built at the end of VI century pope sv.Grigoriem Great (aka Gregory Dialogist), who turned his family estate to a monastery ...
Church is known for being from here, with the blessing of St. George, went to Christianize the inhabitants of the British Isles sv.Avgustin ...
inner courtyard of the monastery ...
Later, the monastery went to the monks kamaldoliytsam who are still in the heart of the modern metropolis, according to their traditions live at subsistence. Around church kitchen gardens with an orchard, and at a single site are grown herbs, potions of which are realized for everyone for free convertible currency in the monastery pharmacy ...
Basilica di San Giovanni e Paolo is dedicated to two Roman officer, whose home was used in place of the church. Officers of the Christian Emperor Constantine gave the oath, and when it is time to serve as a home under the supervision of Julian the Apostate went into denial. Parricide punished severely, and then both deserters were beheaded in his own house. The church was built at the end of IV century and largely retained the original structure ...
spouses young people is very highly rated this church for a wedding - pre-record times for the next six months. Church in predvenchalnom decoration ...
Under the church remains of Roman houses II-III centuries, during the persecution of Christianity served as the burial place of Christian martyrs ...
Many murals of those years were well kept ...
in the church yard sculpture of a Roman Dad ...
behind the Basilica of antique street via Clivo di Scauro, with preserved arch-kontraforsami within which housed retail shops ...
At the very border with the Monti district is located the monastery of Santi Quattro Coronati (Four Martyrs). Named in honor of the four soldiers-Christians (North, Severin, carpophores and Quiz), who refused to worship the pagan god Aesculapius, and bring him to the victim, resulting in fierce accepted a martyr's death. The monastery was very well fortified in the Middle Ages was a bastion of the Lateran Palace. Served as a bulwark of defense tower Carolingian ...
Monks or rather a nun (a monastery for women) living and serving in a monastery now belong to the Order of the Augustins ...
monastery was built in the IV century and almost unaffected by later alterations ...
lot of fun murals transition in fine arts from paganism to Christianity ...
The most interesting part of the monastery - Oratorio sv.Silvestra (in its separate entrance under the control of avgustinok) ...
It murals depicting scenes of conversion to Christianity of Emperor Constantine by Pope Sylvester I ...
ill with plague Constantine doctors prescribed treatment rinse in children's blood, but in a dream the Emperor were Saints Peter and Paul, and exposing the barbaric obstruction technique recommended обратиться за помощью к Сильвестру, который его обязательно вылечит, предварительно окрестив. В финальной сцене император на коленях принимает крещение-исцеление by Pope (left) and goes to work in a completely healthy (right) ...
in the interior of Santi Giovanni e Paolo stretches garden villas Chelimontana. The place is not as advertised, as the park of Villa Borghese, but very pleasant and comfortable for every kind of relaxation, especially in summer when there hosts jazz Festivals ..
Inside the park there are ancient buildings ...
main thing is building - Chelimontana villa built at the end of the XVI century noble family of the princes Mattei. When Mattei gave this land by the city, the villa housed the Italian geographic community, and the territory became a municipal ...
main entrance to the villa Chelimontana ...
neighborhood, the church of Santa Maria in Domnica (another wedding "Mecca"), whose construction began VIII century ...
front of the church square Navichella ("Boat") with the same fountain (XVI century). In ancient times there was a stone galley, alleged served as the temple of sea travel ...
apse above the altar is lined with mosaics in the IX century by order of Pope Paskhalov. It Paskhalov and bows his knees before the Virgin Mary, surrounded by the throng of angels ...
far from the church Arco di Dolabella (Arch of Dolabella). Built in the I century BC and named in honor of one of consuls, Cornelius Dolabella. Initially, presumably served as a gateway in the wall of Servius. Later used as a support for the aqueduct of Claudius, postroennnogo Nero to supply the palace on the Palatine hill ...
Another park Celia - parco degli Scipioni (Shiponi park) is located on the southern edge of the area surrounding Avrelianovoy to the wall ...
The park is the church of San Giovanni a Porta Latina (V century). It was near the city gate to the port was captured by pagan Latina St.John custody ...
beside her in the Renaissance, was built precisely identifying the chapel where according to legend, St. John was thrown into a vat of boiling oil, but contrary to expectations, the monsters came out of him not only alive, but even a rejuvenated ...
That's wall-painting the chapel and other sources portray this occasion ...
District Celio - record the number of city gates, he already owned four copies.
Gate Port Metronome ...
Porta Latina, upside ...
Inside ...
Porta San Sebastiano ...
at the inner side gate the arch friends ...
built in the III century BC to support the aqueduct, which supplies Baths of Caracalla ...
from the gate of San Sebastiano goes the famous Appian Way ...
now called the Via Appia Antica ...
Porta Adreatina ...
But not only the gateway to common rich Caelius, he most long-lasting, and most importantly, preserved areas of urban Avrelianovoy wall.
area between the port Adreatina and San Sebastian ...
Between воротами порта Сан Себастьяно и порта Латина...
District is named after the eponymous hill of the "magnificent seven of Rome" - Celia, on which is his main part. Although the district and the oldest - the same age as the main areas of ancient Rome from the time of formation, was legally issued only in 1921, formed from components separated from the adjacent area. The most "fat piece was pressed in the district Campitelli (X) ...
Greatest amphitheater in Rome was built by Emperor Vespasian in 72 AD on the shores of the lake, located in the "Golden House of Nero. On the terraces Estadio place from 55 to 70 thousand (according to various sources) viewers ...
View from the output of the same name by the subway station, where the outer wall of the arena most Save ...
sophisticated device at the scene included the cells, and passageways for wild beasts, and a system of locks to start up and drain the water at the staging sea battles ...
Arch of Constantine - the biggest triumphal arch of ancient Rome. Erected to commemorate the victory of Constantine over his co-ruler Maxentius in 315, the majority of the bas-reliefs, statues and medallions borrowed from other monuments, in particular with the Forum of Trajan, with the permission of the first Christian emperor. In pre-Christian era of ancient Rome, such shares were zapadlo ...
Scenes of a victorious war of Trajan against the Dacians ...
If walk from the Colosseum by the Arch of Constantine on Via di San Gregorio, the path will lead to the church of San Gregorio Mano. The church was built at the end of VI century pope sv.Grigoriem Great (aka Gregory Dialogist), who turned his family estate to a monastery ...
Church is known for being from here, with the blessing of St. George, went to Christianize the inhabitants of the British Isles sv.Avgustin ...
inner courtyard of the monastery ...
Later, the monastery went to the monks kamaldoliytsam who are still in the heart of the modern metropolis, according to their traditions live at subsistence. Around church kitchen gardens with an orchard, and at a single site are grown herbs, potions of which are realized for everyone for free convertible currency in the monastery pharmacy ...
Basilica di San Giovanni e Paolo is dedicated to two Roman officer, whose home was used in place of the church. Officers of the Christian Emperor Constantine gave the oath, and when it is time to serve as a home under the supervision of Julian the Apostate went into denial. Parricide punished severely, and then both deserters were beheaded in his own house. The church was built at the end of IV century and largely retained the original structure ...
spouses young people is very highly rated this church for a wedding - pre-record times for the next six months. Church in predvenchalnom decoration ...
Under the church remains of Roman houses II-III centuries, during the persecution of Christianity served as the burial place of Christian martyrs ...
Many murals of those years were well kept ...
in the church yard sculpture of a Roman Dad ...
behind the Basilica of antique street via Clivo di Scauro, with preserved arch-kontraforsami within which housed retail shops ...
At the very border with the Monti district is located the monastery of Santi Quattro Coronati (Four Martyrs). Named in honor of the four soldiers-Christians (North, Severin, carpophores and Quiz), who refused to worship the pagan god Aesculapius, and bring him to the victim, resulting in fierce accepted a martyr's death. The monastery was very well fortified in the Middle Ages was a bastion of the Lateran Palace. Served as a bulwark of defense tower Carolingian ...
Monks or rather a nun (a monastery for women) living and serving in a monastery now belong to the Order of the Augustins ...
monastery was built in the IV century and almost unaffected by later alterations ...
lot of fun murals transition in fine arts from paganism to Christianity ...
The most interesting part of the monastery - Oratorio sv.Silvestra (in its separate entrance under the control of avgustinok) ...
It murals depicting scenes of conversion to Christianity of Emperor Constantine by Pope Sylvester I ...
ill with plague Constantine doctors prescribed treatment rinse in children's blood, but in a dream the Emperor were Saints Peter and Paul, and exposing the barbaric obstruction technique recommended обратиться за помощью к Сильвестру, который его обязательно вылечит, предварительно окрестив. В финальной сцене император на коленях принимает крещение-исцеление by Pope (left) and goes to work in a completely healthy (right) ...
in the interior of Santi Giovanni e Paolo stretches garden villas Chelimontana. The place is not as advertised, as the park of Villa Borghese, but very pleasant and comfortable for every kind of relaxation, especially in summer when there hosts jazz Festivals ..
Inside the park there are ancient buildings ...
main thing is building - Chelimontana villa built at the end of the XVI century noble family of the princes Mattei. When Mattei gave this land by the city, the villa housed the Italian geographic community, and the territory became a municipal ...
main entrance to the villa Chelimontana ...
neighborhood, the church of Santa Maria in Domnica (another wedding "Mecca"), whose construction began VIII century ...
front of the church square Navichella ("Boat") with the same fountain (XVI century). In ancient times there was a stone galley, alleged served as the temple of sea travel ...
apse above the altar is lined with mosaics in the IX century by order of Pope Paskhalov. It Paskhalov and bows his knees before the Virgin Mary, surrounded by the throng of angels ...
far from the church Arco di Dolabella (Arch of Dolabella). Built in the I century BC and named in honor of one of consuls, Cornelius Dolabella. Initially, presumably served as a gateway in the wall of Servius. Later used as a support for the aqueduct of Claudius, postroennnogo Nero to supply the palace on the Palatine hill ...
Another park Celia - parco degli Scipioni (Shiponi park) is located on the southern edge of the area surrounding Avrelianovoy to the wall ...
The park is the church of San Giovanni a Porta Latina (V century). It was near the city gate to the port was captured by pagan Latina St.John custody ...
beside her in the Renaissance, was built precisely identifying the chapel where according to legend, St. John was thrown into a vat of boiling oil, but contrary to expectations, the monsters came out of him not only alive, but even a rejuvenated ...
That's wall-painting the chapel and other sources portray this occasion ...
District Celio - record the number of city gates, he already owned four copies.
Gate Port Metronome ...
Porta Latina, upside ...
Inside ...
Porta San Sebastiano ...
at the inner side gate the arch friends ...
built in the III century BC to support the aqueduct, which supplies Baths of Caracalla ...
from the gate of San Sebastiano goes the famous Appian Way ...
now called the Via Appia Antica ...
Porta Adreatina ...
But not only the gateway to common rich Caelius, he most long-lasting, and most importantly, preserved areas of urban Avrelianovoy wall.
area between the port Adreatina and San Sebastian ...
Between воротами порта Сан Себастьяно и порта Латина...
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