Monday, November 22, 2010

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Roma Cinematografica. Kinoputevoditel in Rome. Part III. Masterpieces postneorealizma.

1957 г. "Ночи Кабирии" реж.Федерико Fellini

in not without malopozitivnoy life prostitute Mary Ceccarelli, nicknamed Kabir (Juliet Mazin), another nuisance - boyfriend decided to drown her in the Tiber. Catching natural handbag with asocial labor income ...

It happened in an area Magliana, in the south of the city ...

Well, that nearby sunbathing horoshoplavayuschy man in a cap, he saved the Kabiri ...

Residents of nearby homes evacuated Magliano bedolagu ...

At that Kabiri, in a state of passion, to thank them Naham and proudly walked away at the area E.U.R. ...

... you can get in on the bridge Ponte della Magliana ...

Kabiri lived in the Roman suburb Acilia, here in this straightforward cottage ...

in the same, the next building, lived best friend Wanda (Franca Marci) ...

General Plan Achilov those years ...

This Achilov segodyashnego day ...

... decent homes and Industry, nekustarnoy building ... infrastructure ...

offs of Cabiria Achilov ...

Such was unpretentious bus stop ...

Now here is a solid architectural Form ...

And this is a working area of Cabiria - via delle Terme di Caracalla ...

works were usually at night, sometimes at night in the rain ...

During the break you can hide Latinos in burning with pimps and colleagues ...

Day to replace moths come guides and interpreters and the accompanying tourists ...

One fine evening, it is unclear to what lyada, Kabir skidded on Via Veneto ...

Apparently, missing pilot in the film Cabiria "White Sheik" , Fellini in the same way, preparing the launch pad for the next great paintings, where the street will act in the central role of ...

Ash tree stump, it vysokoglamurnoe place Kabiri not urovnyu.Zdes tusuyut another class girls, and limousines of this type in Achilov have never been out of town ..

But Fellini - recognition of the master of grotesque and Kabiri vlegkuyu, right on the street, takes a movie star Alberto Lazzaro (Amedeo Natstsari) ...

... and drunk-biting in a nightclub, goes to his villa on the Via Appia Antika.Proezzhaya past the tomb of Cecilia Metella ...

Next, Cabiria happened one more luck - there was the groom. Faced with that one sunny day, they went on a long walk on gorodu.Startovali from the area piazza Porta Prenestina ...

Now - Piazza Porta Maggiore ...

Pass szhenihom Oscar D'Onofrio (Francois Perier), through the ancient fortress gates ...

Boarding a tram ...

and walk along the picturesque Aventine hill ...

View from the Aventine at Palatine Bridge ...

Walk continued in the distal Tuscolana-Don Bosco ...

And what seems to be there to walk ?....

solid wasteland, so dreary New ...

A sense that the area immediately adjacent to the Roman film studio Cinecitta. Behind the right upper corner of the panorama ...

Not sure what Fellini is absolutely first applied this byudzhetoekonomyaschy tricky move, but from the great master, he is uniquely topikstarter. And the following landscape can be seen in countless римских фильмов...

                                        1959 г. "Сладкая жизнь" реж.Федерико Феллини

Hundreds Critics still argue passionately that meant Fellini at the beginning of the film the opening of a helicopter over the city with a statue Spasitelya.Sam Fellini did not intervene in the dispute, and possibly did not know :-).
flying over the aqueduct of Claudius ...

On the one hand from the remains of an aqueduct, cacti, on the other - Calcio ...

flying over the new buildings of Rome ...

And closer to the center ...

journalist Marcello Rubini rake (Marcello Mastroianni) and his friend socialite Maddalena (Anouk Aimee) suddenly struck by the good deeds and they decided to drop off the house finished replacing hooker Ninni (Adriana Moneta) in Tuscolana-Appio ...

But kindness was with his fists, and for supply to the house paid off Ninni sleepless night, because Glamour took her bed, looking at the pure kofeek ...

modern form via del Cessati Spiriti ...

Fibber Fellini namutil posh restaurant inside term Caracalla ...

Where in honor of the overseas stars Sylvia (Anita Ekberg) annealed personal rock and roll ...

annealed none other than the very young .... I think you all know ...

restaurant is not here yet, but rock and roll sometimes annealed ...

scene the night bathing in the Trevi fountain entered the charts the world kinomatografa of all time.
"offer one can not refuse" (c) ...

pizza truck in full a ** ue. In the give! In connection with the non-occurrence of AD photo and video unit built into a mobile phone, the scene had to write on the brain ...

Finally, by Fellini, output Via Vittorio Veneto the level of fame of the galactic scale ...

In terms Dolce Vita in all languages, Fellini introduced another Paparazzo.Tak called the film a young blond man in the left corner (Walter Santesso) ...

Here's a she, Dolce Vita ...

In otzhigalschika Rock 'n' roll to Sylvia, Fellini invited to an episode of another character's perspective of the music world. Until then, these things are very few practiced ...


                                           1961 г. "Аккаттоне" реж. Пьер Паоло Пазолини

Vittorio "Akkattone" Cataldi, a representative of his beloved Pasolini Roman "bottom", the lumpen, bum, a pimp, marginal and just padonaG lived in the area Pigneto ...

Postwar Pineto, you do not Via Veneto :-)...

work of a certain group of creative graffiti Zilda ...

In today Pineto appeared new buildings and places of cultural entertainment. May not be formed Akkatone restless life, if he had a number of the house was a stadium and a cinema ...

And soon there will be a real underground station (line C) ...

Several old quarters podrestavrirovali, was quite nice ...

Nevertheless, pazolinievskoe "Pineto still preserved in sufficient quantities ...

only cultural leisure Akkattone - drinking on the depressed mistress of money at a local cafe ...

... on via Fanfulla a Lodi ...

... or in the vicinity in another, the same gadyushnike ...

Modern Cafe Pineto ...

Local punks complement Tale "come in large numbers" of Naples ...

Current "Come in large numbers in Pineto look like this ...

Akkattone could become an Olympic champion in diving, but dovolstvalsya jumping on a dare from the bridge of Sant'Angelo ...

Sporting achievements Akkatone were very prosaic, siganul - earned for dinner ...

Suicidal same jumps, Akkattone prefer to make the bridge Ponte Mazzini ...

Однажды, в приступе отчаяния Аккатоне подрядился на настоящую работу в районе Monti (I) , on Via Bachchina (labor enthusiasm enough for half a day) ...

Pimping and remains the only suitable profession for him. Concubine Akkatone Maddalena (Silvana shopping cart) with a colleague in via Portuense, near the station of Trastevere ...

La Purfina - oil refinery, in close proximity to the center of Rome ...

now is a residential area, with permanent completion and accomplishment ...

lose stability source of income (Maddalena was for perjury) Akkattone began to handle the role of workhorse naive provintsialku Stella (Frank Pasture) to the north of Italy ...

The church San Felice da Cantalice in Chentochelle ...

Stella was absolutely neisporchena - "clean sheet", ohmuryat had to work very closely ...

romantic walk in the park Chentochelle, the site of the old airport ...

Modern Roman men prefer procuring and drinking model aircraft sport ...

construction around the park Chentochelle from the category of "eternal" ...

replaced by the mass, "square-cluster" building, had "dot" and "underground" (the new metro line C) ...

Ohmurit Stella failed, but the result was not, Stella internally was unable to overcome itself and the debut of a new profession had no success, therefore, ghoul Akkatone remained at zero, and decided to upgrade corporate set criminal statey.Otnositelno secure fraud and pimping change in grubovoe vorovstvo.No poor guy did not know that his "former" Maddalena decided to reduce the length of stay in the Quiche cooperation with authorities and had already grazed.
fateful day began at the Via Kazilina ...

gang set their sights on the truck to the Piazza di Santa Cecilia in Trastevere (XIII) ...

Everyone remembers the old fountain ...

ideological leader of the newly-made OPG Balilla thief (Mario Cipriani) have been targeting the truck ...

... against Torre di Ettore Fieramosca ...

Pulp trio at the Basilica of Santa Cecilia ...

third party OPG, a six Balilly - Kortadzhine (Roberto Skarindzhella) ...

a fallen in Trastevere (XIII) , OPG has moved to Testaccio (XX) without a specific plan ...

the street via Beniamino Franklin ...

the same street corner with via Giovan Battista Bodoni ...

After stealing sausages items from the van at the butcher's shop, manifest surveillance and OPG were vyazat.Na corner via Ferraris Akkattone desperate clipped the motorcycle and tried to escape prosecution ...

Motorcycle detachment and was fatal, my friends are running a terrible sound of the accident on Embankment degli Artigiani ...

railway bridge, now untitled (not has no name on modern maps of various cities), formerly known as Ponte Ferroviario di san Paolo ...

Here and ended with a useless way of life worthless man Akkatone ...

Interestingly, the driver of a red subcompact suspects parked in what place? Plaque is not ...

1962 г. "Костлявая смерть" реж. Бернардо Бертолуччи


very first, very Italian and very nenudny Bertolucci film, romantic and poignant elegy criminal ...
Prostitute (Wanda Rocci) slain under the bridge Marconi. Who is Jack, Jack the Ripper !?...

Here he is, stealing bastard. This Natalino (Renato trojans), but this became clear only at the end of the movie ...

Here is what happened. Bridge ponte Marconi ...

Perspective on the other side of the bridge, the scene is now in a far corner ...

After almost 50 years, changes in the terrain maloulovimy ...

Calif Bostelli (Alfredo Ledge), the main suspect (as was the term) in Basilica of San Paolo fuori le Mura ...

only in the ending debutant director revealed his great passion for the amazing, unpredictable allegory, devoting the final one of the most infernal Roman churches Santa Maria dell'Orazione e Morte in the area Regola (VII) . In the Middle Ages the church staff were required to read the burial and to bury the dead orphan and drowned. From this particular design and aura ...

"... and again on the street Julia puts his scythe-ugly death" (c) by Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli ...

Window for donations на похороны усопших...

                                        1962 г. "Мама Рома" реж. Пьер Паоло Пазолини

Roman prostitute Mama Roma (Anna Magnani) is not very fond of his district Portonaccio (Pietro Racho - an invention of Pasolini, the Italian subtitles as well) ...

So did not like, "that even she could not eat" (c) ...

While herewith that Pasolini placed it not in a simple house, and in the Palazzo Casalbertone, which is not really living, but something Type the palace of culture of railwaymen ...

Shares dislike arrived with the province's son Ettore (Ettore Garofolo), which was separated by force of circumstances more than 10 years ...

In fact, Campo Verano cemetery - not shabby gadyukinsky graveyard ...

A dull tracks can be creative podveselit ...

Moving to New Tuscolana-Kuadraro brought her ...

Namely, in a house on Largo Spartaco ...

More один фортель Пазолини,такой улицы(Этторе говорит свой домашний арес) в Риме вообще не существует...

Все бы ничего, но подьезд дома куда вселились Mamma Roma with Ettore ...

... belongs to the house in Largo Spartacus, built on an exclusive design of architect Saverio Muratore, known all over Rome as Edificio V (V-shaped house), or as it is popularly called, "home-boomerang" ...

Architect Muratore built not only house a boomerang, but the entire quarter on individual projects. The House on Via Sagunto, adjacent to the Largo Spartacus has the characteristic ...

... slanted balconies ...

Tuscolana-Kuadraro neighbors with Parco di Acquedoto, a large vacant lot with the remains of ancient aqueducts, between Via Appia Nuova and Via Appia Antica.
"Oil Painting" (c) - House-new building, an ancient aqueduct and Ettore in a cap-vosmiklinke ...

Area maid simple availability Bruna (Silvana shopping cart) ...

Walk by a gift from Mom Roma motorcycle from the aqueduct Felice ...

And it is in neighboring Kuadraro quarter Tuscolana - Don Bosco. Bruna against Torre di Centocelle ...

Panorama Don Bosco is the plot of the movie some kind of psychological groundwork, highlights the central building of the district ...

... Basilica San Giovanni, Don Bosco, in spite of that house in Largo Spartak there are several churches closer ...

the arrival of a son Mama Roma tied with nehoroshey profession Now it is - an honest market trader ...

market is located near the house on via Lucio Sestio ...

But for the goods had to get far from morning-pozaranku. At via Valerio Publicola ...

But my son diligence did not differ, all in a parasite-dad (Franko Chitty). The restaurant as a waiter, where he Mamma Roma arranged as a result of a cunning combination of multi-way, bummer lasted a few days ...

of corporate tie waiters and a wall learn Da Meo Patacca Piazza Mercantile in Trastevere (XIII) ...

quite famous, but too tourist destination ...