who believes that footballers are not able to handle the ball as his colleagues should not miss this video. Tobin and Yael Haeth Auverbukh are two key elements of U.S. national women's football (which for the record is one of the world's strongest, if not stronger than) that in training had fun trying the spectacular numbers. You start by kicking the ball towards the door and be able to voluntarily hit the pole, then move on to be able to send the ball into a container for the trash after it lifted with a touch of freestyle.
not only skills but also dribble shooting accuracy. Balls thrown from long range and seem remotely controlled (even one is delivered in a crack in the rock wall that borders the field). Continue with test accuracy and both seem to get along just fine (even a goals from behind the door as Ronaldinho ). But this is a challenge, let us not forget, style and All Star Game American basketball player everything works trying to do something that the other can not repeat.
When this happens, the opponent gets a letter that makes up the word "pelada" (at the All State Game using "Donkey", or donkey) and order to prevail is the Auverbukh, but honestly both deserve a huge applause.
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