Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Places To Have A Baby Shower In Chicago

coprolalia and other comforts.

I have the life force of an animal in danger of extinction, compounded by an illness accident that took me yesterday. Let me explain
but, being random, is not simple. I know that I got up and ten minutes later I was walking in the direction of the bed, blinded by a pseudo-collapse with pre-connected blindness and fainting excelled in CG shores unreachable and bent absurd to think that pains are called "intercostal". I'm not an expert, so do not know how you call that feeling of being just been punched to the entire chest, long enough to reach the deeper muscles.
Is it bad to be blind.
but could not lift because your abdominal muscles are going to hell is worse.
The matter is gone fairly quickly, while Mater kept me under observation and I tried with grotesque voice (I had no breath) to tell her my symptoms, so as to keep it updated and to point out that I could still talk. In short, it is worth turning over on his bed collapse upon themselves with movements in strike canceled by your muscles. Not worthy.
Oh, yes, dramatizes everything. On the other hand, often I have to admit one of my highest consideration for those with pain and disease coexists, because I have the tolerance and patience to Sawyer (Lost ), as noted with amusement by showing the Mater sovraccitato semi-unconscious and moaning (I love Sawyer, basically, why complain - I have a weakness for characters who are complaining, god knows why) on the screen, while he was in semi-consciousness he refused to take medicine.
Mater takes the piss out of my growing dependence on Lost while I ask myself every day what are the reasons for its success. Mater dismissed, saying that the whole series was attached to the screen because it includes elements that have no effect, and you can continue to follow her by asking what sense they never get satisfaction. Maybe. Today, the nth appearance of a random element (a horse), we looked at and we laughed. Maybe. I expect Sawyer gets better as I get back I, and every time I can think Sayid appears U. U shares the sad fate of those who have that aspect: being mistaken for terrorists and stopped at the airport. We miss, U. I have a sweatshirt on the chair he gave me, and that makes me dress, because Sayid also has the muscle. We miss, U, our heart of darkness who knows how and where is it. U who had learned to interface with the next in a unique way - for authenticity or intellectual consistency, who knows - that is, in a tone of camaraderie no bullshit. U is smarter than me - have to admit, the first time, it was painful, but then passes. I miss U with him because I share something I found in no other, and perhaps this is to let us bind to specific people rather than others. It's not something that compels us to see them every day, and in fact I do not feel for eons, but makes them paradigms - and so when you find people like them, think a "reminds me of U".
Mandiamogli e-mail.
Mater submits to eat my little illness that felled me yesterday. Maybe. Persisted by saying that I eat in proportion to the hunger that I have, and it is true, but it is also true that I eat less, which leads to the conclusion that my hunger is being reduced. I look at the food doubtful and questioned him - oh slice of bread, but really I want to eat? Well, I'll do it anyway.
Surely this comes from my well-known leisure, so deadly that not only do not feel like cooking, but I do not even want to think about what I eat, reaching completion a maximum too simple to be applied: "If you do not eat what you should not, just avoid him at home." Does anyone oppose that certain states lead to bulimia eat fish still frozen, raw, but I can not worry about the psychopath of all, I have mine.
The next step would be to look for a link between my new eating habits and my being sick. Sum hunger decreased and the abuse of coffee and cigarettes, and ask myself some questions. But, you know, it's not like he has much, because - in the affirmative - I would not want to change my everyday habits with attached.
is that I have too much to do, creatures, but so I always say and never credible. K
I asked, stroking her beauty in the shadows of night, because we see so little. In short, the bliss of that moment - which is the bliss had other nights with K - should try to take me to see her more often, and since the question was not addressed to you, but in both, and especially to me. We are a little 'monkeys, I added referring to me in the sense that it is no coincidence that certain questions come out and praise right after an orgasm. I'm not belittling anything, creatures, or rather: sex is a great way of dealing with a reality more vivid, deep, dark polychrome where the moments are spent. Your attention out a little 'to you and sways and swings between your mouth and the body of another, a bit' as my center of gravity when they collapsed, but the former is a pleasant perdition. And then there was and more, with K, which would have so many things in common, enough to talk for hours each time, but since there is almost never seen for hours on end every time I solve for the leave of me, surface post, postponing and postponing and postponing. Then K is fantastic in bed.
We should add that I was dry on a sandbank in the previous weeks had pointed to a lighthouse to make sure there remained a drop of water.
'm a saint, and I like telling me, makes sense of the two sleep nights with a creature that makes you go crazy and do not you give it. Priceless moment, the one you asked "Can you accept that?", You sigh and fixed incredulos the question and she adds "In fact the application does not make sense."
Then there was a mythological creature that followed, one of those things that pours hormones such as spores, which have the appearance, movements and everything (everything, everything , EVERYTHING) that you need to be sold black sexual references. Can not explain the matter in another way, because they are exceptionally beautiful creatures, or exceptionally similar to one of your childhood idol sex, sex and nothing else. They are , Lovecraftian. They are made of such stuff as greedily sucking dicks Genet masturbating and then described, which yields pagan sacrifice (half impalement). For strange mechanisms, this mushroom-creatures attract two types of reactions, equally strong sex and violence (or huge annoyance). Perhaps the violence is poorly sublimated sexual desire. But anyway. My being a woman, I believed, would save me from the rubbing of such a lethal creature, she being a woman. Just avoid looking at her and everything was fine.
I stood in fact, one evening, in the blessed position untouched, while the creature had disappeared with P mythology, to tell the boyfriend said that had nothing to worry about, P was a friend, would not have done shit and so on, and indeed, they felt the boyfriend was lucky, because if the mythical creature had not approached me I would have done so many problems. On "problems" the mythical creature appeared on my shoulder (just on , chin) and then appear in your whole body against mine, by decreeing the end of that time my status untouched. You know, little creatures, a creature that I am helpless, that life has trained to be holy just before (or up or down) to Santa, but never in front of mythological creatures. Some avatar terrifies me, if I can not ciated their gods in the sense that I am frightened by my desire and - I found - I assume the attitude of the child regularly beaten that he committed yet another error before the parent: the-spot and hope the world will not end up on her, this world is summed up in a stick on your bones or flesh on your flesh. It is a prayer a bit 'naive, that begs the next to do nothing because you would do it all. Prayer, of course, has stirred the compassion of God who laughs, which is a sadistic bastard, so I have now crystallized in the most innocent myself that I could (a smile would not have pulled that convinced even a deaf-mute) waiting to start breathing. The mythical creatures are the result of magic, and it knows to move on you in the exact way you want and get their hands on exactly where and how you would like. Oh holy terror. I experienced the terrifying loss of control that makes you incapable of saying "no", and so - with his desire to sleep with me - I could baste unconvincing phrases that explained why it was not a good idea (but because there was only one and it was her boyfriend next door), but a "no" I have not spoken.
I can not say that the worst is to come after, it is wrong, but I had to dispose of a hormone colossal hangover.
It's funny how certain impulses, and not to vent accumulated, mutate your attitude. I'm pretty expected to regard as decades in coprolalia. There Decado often when stress overwhelms me and I have to vent, while wondering why I consider the vulgar expletive taboo. In short, it would be outrageous if it were not sfogante, right? It would not be infringement if there were half a taboo.
However, all this was to say that I never have time. Mai. I managed to express a K fairly resolute, saying that in fact I never time, and my not having time constant is made of times when I have absolutely no time and times when I could not but I give myself breaks, similar to escaping from irresponsible commitments. This also explains my holiness: accumulation desire for months and then one day suddenly run away from myself for ending up in someone's arms and legs. Meanwhile, full of stress, begin to use the free space of five minutes to earn vulgarity. All this means, in brief, that every few months I see a creature become clouded by sexual desire and marked by a vulgar and disorderly.
hate Freud.


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