Friday, February 16, 2007

Charley Horse In Throat

Jealousy me away

EI: Dear Dr.
I am writing to my problem rather pressing. They are insanely jealous of my him, sometimes coming to mind these subplots to make me think that even a woman who wants to rape the hits. I live my reactions to these mentally unstable in the silence, harboring a fierce hatred against any woman who steals Financo the air at 5 meters. All this causes me emotional disorders leading me to buy several benches, origami or damage to persons for the sake of it (with the aid of scissors from the rounded tip).
What can I do to become a normal person? Could you got to do that I had been abducted by aliens?

yours, but in Christ, EI

jealousy is a feeling inherent in man (and woman), at least when they have established for some absurd reason that life two was preferable to random copulations wild in the undergrowth. I believe that the check result of screaming little monsters have contributed to this evolution.

woman is jealous because he fears that man, the only source of livelihood for her and her puppies, if they go somewhere else menarle female in the club head or somewhere else. the man is jealous because he is to bring sustenance to her children, and found his wife's fidelity is the only guarantee not to throw away resources growing faithless bastard offspring of matings. (Among other things, it seems that dinosaurs are extinct because they were engaged in a large multiethnic orgies with no one to procure more food. Then sometimes a t-rex is more than the other tapestries and began to smangiucchiare around the heads of Compagnucci without those, however, broke off in copula).

-day, in due proportion, the situation is the same: Sure, man is no longer the only source of income, the woman is no longer the only, hopefully, to look after children and hearth. vaglielo but to explain the genome!

however, and dear, the fact that you insist on defending the desires of other women that even a bolso pithecanthropus viveuse as a Maria De Filippi would reject with disdain is not only due to this, but to your own insecurity, probably dating to the late adolescence, deprived of innocent games with your peers to be thrown into the cauldron of demonic brute in question *, you feel grown / raised and not fear the comparison with the other women, compared to what you feel from time to time too young, too low, too flat, too gay, too witty. must realize that the only person to be jealous of is you: the other women even consider it, in fact - as you say the same - the bump on the road because they realize that even exists.

be careful also: Jealousy is the sister of asphyxiation, and if - as taught by the "filthy" by i.welsh - in small doses can be a blast, in excess leads to death. I suggest therefore detach as much as possible the question relate to your relationship with more detached eye and doing casual sex with young talkative and a bit 'vain known on the internet.

* and is a young man of 22 years and 6 years with a man is much, much more maturola jealousy is a feeling inherent in man (and woman), at least when they have established for some absurd reason that the life together was preferable to random copulations in the wild undergrowth. I believe that the check result of screaming little monsters have contributed to this evolution.


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